Holmes and Watson Make England Great Again Hat

Holmes & Watson (2018) Poster

i /10

It's hard to imagine Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly non being funny....but here it is.

Sherlock Holmes is determined to capture Professor Moriarty. Yet, Holmes (Will Ferrell) is an idiot and seems to do his best to help Moriarty escape....and having his devoted partner hung instead! And, in doing so, he'due south allowing Moriarty's plot to impale the Queen to move forward.

One of my favorite comedies is "Talladega Nights" starring Volition Ferrell and John C. Reilly. And, while not as funny, their film "Pace Brothers" as well makes me smile. So, you'd remember that the pair would pretty much a guarantee of a skillful express mirth....though "Holmes & Watson" is ample proof that fifty-fifty this duo can make a dud. And, it all boils downwards to the script, equally "Holmes & Watson" hasn't a single laugh in the moving-picture show. Instead, information technology resorts to the inexpensive and disgusting...such as vomiting, an autopsy, male lactation, horse excrement, and urination. Most children could write a script funnier than this bilge.

The lesser line is that even funny folks demand a competent script....and this script is pure crap through and through. Unfunny, mean-spirited and stupid....that'southward "Holmes & Watson". Rarely has a film cost this much and delivered and then little.

By the mode, if y'all watch this film (DON'T), it's obvious they set it up for a sequel. Because nearly everyone hated "Holmes & Watson" the chances of this sequel are pretty much one in a billion (give or have 10).

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1 /10

Don't Bother

This movie is as bad as its awful reputation. You may cease reading at present, since I have imparted everything yous need to know near information technology. I will at present blather on for a few lines.

It is poorly written. When I heard the word "kids" in the frst two minutes to mean small children, and saw girls in a British public schoolhouse in the 19th century, I thought I was in for a Young EINSTEIN sort of movie. No, it is sloppily, uncaringly written, and cipher about information technology gives any impression that anyone backside the camera put more than than minimal thought into the movie. At that place are shots that are out of focus.

Ah, you say, but how about the jokes. There is one good gag, in which the Robert Downey movies are mocked: overcranked sequences in which Holmes analyses what a course of activeness will yield..... but to have his analysis plow out long. This gag is done 3 times. There are also urine jokes, sexual assault jokes, and other examples of juvenile humor whch are not elaborated, only repeated.

I've wasted an hr and a one-half watching this slice of garbage and some other ten minutes writing this. That's more than enough.

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viii /10

To laugh or not to laugh - Yep is the answer

In England, young Sherlock Holmes is sent to boarding schoolhouse, where he is relentlessly bullied. UNTIL ONE Solar day. Using his detective powers, teen Sherlock reveals his classmates faults and misbehaviors and they are mostly expelled. Thus Sherlock was the main recipient of all didactics. As he reached manhood, his great knowledge continued as an help to his solving crimes as the all-time of the best. 1 forenoon, Holmes - Will Ferrell -and Watson - John C. Reilly - are to appear in court to give evidence to convict Moriarty - played past Ralph Fiennes. Just, hat choices and buzzing insects delay them to the last minute. Then, to the surprise and fury of many, they say the human in the box is an impostor and he should go free. Whoa. So, Queen Victoria summons them to a party where clues reveal Moriarty is out to kill Her Majesty in four days. Can Holmes work his magic to prevent this? Yous may have heard this film is not so great. Don't believe it! In that location a plenty of laughs as Ferrell and Reilly send up the greatest detective and sidekick of all time. Fiennes and the supporting cast are great as well topnotch sets, costumes, and script. If y'all need to laugh today, give this one a whirl.

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1 /10

Incredibly lazy, equally a one-act and a film in general

I honestly don't hate Reilly or Ferrell. I've seen both of them do fantastic jobs with decent scripts. This moving-picture show...does not have one of those.

Holmes and Watson could have been great - after all, the Sherlock Holmes grapheme, being such a cultural icon, is ripe for parody. Simply this moving-picture show does Cipher with its premise. In fact, most of the script could simply accept been copy-pasted from your standard brainless buddy comedy set in mod America, with barely any changes.

For i thing, the film has barely any plot - instead, the titular characters but stumble from one scene to the next, encountering various people of no real consequence (even Moriarty - played past the fantastic Ralph Finnes, a casting choice that would accept been so much ameliorate in a serious adaptation - is barely in the picture and feels similar an afterthought). And sure, not every comedy needs a potent plot; but when you're making a film about Sherlock Holmes, whose very character is built on strong murder mystery plots, you need to at least Endeavour to give your parody something of a story.

And for another, the jokes are simply painful. Equally mentioned, most of them barely relate to the Sherlock Holmes character at all - they're just standard slapstick jokes transplanted into a Victorian setting, with barely whatsoever changes; or else painful attempts at being "topical" that'll feel horrendously outdated in a few months. The film makes no real effort to satirise the Holmes character - in fact, it never makes us feel similar we're watching Sherlock Holmes or John Watson on the screen at all. Instead, we just feel like nosotros're watching Will Ferrell and John C Reilly faffing around in costumes and putting on dumb accents, and the film never tries to convince u.s. otherwise.

It's only low-try tripe beginning to end. Modern comedy feels like a cesspit sometimes.

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ane /10

Holmes & Watson

one/x - as inexplicably awful as everyone else foretold - an embarrassment to the entire institution of filmmaking

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one /x

Ruined my popcorn.

I love the feel of going to the movies, loading up with popcorn and Coca-Cola and sitting in large comfortable chairs. Information technology doesn't thing if the movie is proficient or bad. And so Holmes & Watson came along and changed all that. This picture is a mess from start to finish, if you're expecting to see some other Stride Brothers or Talladega Nights, you lot will be sorely disappointed.

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four /x

Dumb and Dumber

Sherlock Holmes (Volition Ferrell) and Dr. Watson (John C. Reilly) are best friends since childhood. Holmes was bullied by all the rich kids and Watson was the janitor's son. Professor James Moriarty (Ralph Fiennes) is on trial but Holmes has a revelation. Queen Victoria is under threat. The boys meet American doctor Grace Hart (Rebecca Hall) and her simpleton travel companion Millicent (Lauren Lapkus). Mrs. Martha Hudson (Kelly Macdonald) is the boys' very inappropriate housekeeper.

This is aggressively unfunny. There is a central problem. Holmes is both super smart and super moronic. In Pink Panther, Clouseau stumbles his style into solving his cases. That'due south non the example hither. Holmes is actually smart and solves his cases deductively. He's likewise a consummate idiot and those two disharmonism at the aforementioned time in the same scenes. It'southward hella disruptive. It never comes to solving that primal problem. As for the comedy, at that place is only one funny line in the whole moving picture. " I'm really more than taken with the mystery. Information technology's a whodunnit and not necessarily a solvable one. It is nonetheless a definable one with specific suspects. So the mystery is better than the comedy and that's not a good thing for this movie. These two are really struggling in this ane.

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This so called comedy is truly horrendous. The main characters are really unlikable, and even revolting. Afterward just ten minutes I am completely put off already. The film doesn't get any ameliorate as it goes along, as information technology is filled with gross sexual it toilet humour. It is truly horrendous, and not a chip funny.

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1 /10

The director is an idiot

Two of the all-time flick-comedians of all time and this director manages to brand one of the most unfunny films I take ever seen. If I EVER meet this director'southward name on anything, I'm going to not spend a penny on it or change the channel.

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9 /x

Information technology'south not as bad as people say

Don't go me wrong, information technology'due south not for everybody but it has some funny scenes. I liked it and I'm certain others did besides

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9 /10

Humour definitely!!

Warning: Spoilers

I've watch some of the sherlock Holmes and other movies these two references and fissure me up! Definitely must if you honey sherlock Holmes spoof.

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7 /10

Good laugh

Holmes and Watson was good light hearted fun. It never tries to be anything its not. It knows its a one-act and delivers on it.

In regards to the negative reviews on here, did you not sentinel the trailer? If you were expecting a complicated plot or suspense and so you'd be disappointed and y'all're probably i of those people who never read the instructions and then complains when something doesn't piece of work.

Holmes and Watson is non an oscar contender and it never intends to be one merely deliver some light hearted comedy. The pitch is elementary, information technology'south the holidays and the year is winding upwards so it's fourth dimension for some like shooting fish in a barrel and carefree laughs. This moving-picture show delivers.

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10 /10

Masterpiece in many ways.

This movie is a parodie almost Sherlock Holmes movies. And a damn good one. If you are fan of John C Reilly and Will Ferell (similar i am) and a fan of Doyle and Holmes and Watson stories (like me), and so this is a movie only for you (me!). Every joke and scene is a full joy and those mockings about previous Sherlock movies is very well succeeded. I laughed and had fun. Btw ive seen many Sherlock movies and serial, saw many Reilly and Ferell ones, always looking like, are they fading... and have seen previous comedies well-nigh Holmes, they were not very funny, was hopin when will someone do a expert and funny one. But at present they did this and they did it, its a jackpot for fans and for them (and to myself). Simply complaint i accept is almost the end. Why the end? When giving so much fun, who thinks virtually lets end this? This is not normal behaviour and someone should get to see a someone. If you are new to existent comedies what can make piss in your pants, dont exist disturbed, piss in pants durng a skilful comedie moving picture is ok, actually, nobody can smell it coz others have piss in pants likewise. And its ok if your stomache hurts later. If not, and then wasnt a skilful 1. Trust me i know what im talking nearly.

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ii /10

Information technology could accept been worse... simply yep, it's pretty terrible

Normally, I avert the movies of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, considering their typical make of comedy is a kind I but don't observe all that amusing. But I sought out this item movie of theirs, because I had heard and so many ghastly reviews about it labelling information technology as one of the worst comedies of all time, and I have a penchant for extreme cinematic disasters. So is the movie really all that bad? Well, there were a small-scale handful of gags that did provoke some (very) mild titters from me, but apart from those moments, I did find the movie to be every bit bad as other have made it out to be. There are some additional attempts at humor in the movie that COULD accept worked with ameliorate staging and execution, simply they are badly botched by writer/manager Etan Cohen and the bandage. But most of the humor is so lazy, and so familiar, and then predictable, that even the best management and performances could non milk whatsoever positive reactions from an audience. I call up an additional problem is that Sherlock Holmes has previously been done to death both seriously and comically that it would require a herculean try to add together new life to the character. All that Cohen can seem to practice is stuff like brand many modern-day references, showing a real desperateness that will be painfully evident to whatever viewers. Not the worst comedy I have seen, but it all the aforementioned sinks to a existent low point in the history of Hollywood moving picture comedies.

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7 /ten

I had fun, like e'er have with Will Ferrell.

I'm glad I didn't pay too much attention at the extremely bad reviews and the incredible low score Holmes & Watson got hither on IMDb. And I'm also glad I'm non the merely one that had a skilful time watching this motion-picture show. I only tin't help it simply when I see Will Ferrell's face I already have to express mirth. I laugh with all his movies and so I wasn't surprised I did like this moving picture much more than I'm supposed to when you concider the low ratings. Will Ferrell played Holmes in his typical way, a bit impuissant and dumb but always funny to lookout. John C. Reilly was just perfect as Watson, fifty-fifty better than Will Ferrell in my stance. Holmes & Watson is only another good comedy if you like Will Ferrell's manner of sense of humour. If not, as well bad...

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10 /10

The dude abides

Ambiguous one-act. Loved it! Watch information technology if you accept a sense of humor, and a grasp on actuality.

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eight /10

A good, fun spoof picture!

It was fun! It's very reminiscent of Space Balls or Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Like any comedy, people will either relax and enjoy it, or not...and I did!

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9 /10

Please ignore reviews and requite it a become

Honestly I was so unsure of this picture at starting time due to the terrible reviews, but personally I actually loved information technology. Sentinel the first 10 minutes and you'll see from that if you'll bask the total movie or not. If y'all're looking for a laugh and nothing too serious or complicated then watch this, it's just a film to make you smile and should exist appreciated for doing this. Definitely volition watch again

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i /ten


This movie was absolute garbage. Me and my family unit didn't laugh once. Nearly everyone in the theatre was trashing the motion-picture show afterwards likewise. I hope to never come across this again. Waste of coin.

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9 /10

I laughed my arse off

Then..are all the bad reviews from people having a strop because of the digs about the skilful erstwhile U.S of A and their delightful president? Who knows. All I know is I laughed a lot! The whole film was totally ridiculous, and I believe intentionally. The master thing is I was entertained and I laughed out loud. Not everything Is supposed to be a piece of work of art, sometimes y'all merely want a film that makes yous grin. If y'all like Will Ferrell and John C Reilly and you're non a movie snob, you'll accept fun watching this.

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10 /10

They're dorsum at it!

Funny as hell! Did not disappoint! Beloved these ii guys together!

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8 /x

This is Volition Ferrell, y'all idiots

If you sympathise the comic narcissist that is Ferrell, yous will appreciate a Will Ferrell picture show. The bad reviews should understand that one-act is not simply one genre anymore, it's an body of water of genres within 1. Get the bent to judge that before these idiots are allowed to diluted the review board with pure stupidity.

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i /10

Walked out at the vomit scene

kuuk3 28 December 2018

I was non laughing during the entire openig human action. I hate the characters, the stupidness of Watson and arogance of Sherlock. How they ate the cake even later on what was inside was exposed. Then when they started vomiting together, I walked out the movie theatre. It was that bad.

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Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1255919/reviews

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